About SPE
A Brief Introduction to SPE at NTU
Mission & Vision
I. Establishment and Funding
The establishment of the School of Political Science and Economics (SPE) at National Taiwan University (NTU) represents a strategic response to the evolving global geopolitical landscape and Taiwan’s imperative for sustainable development. This initiative was developed on the basis of the national “National Key Fields Industry-University Cooperation and Skilled Personnel Training Act” (國家重點領域產學合作及人才培育創新條).
Following the Ministry of Education’s approval on February 27, 2024, SPE commenced operations in the fall semester of 2024, integrating resources from NTU’s College of Social Sciences and College of Management. SPE’s founding was supported by a substantial ten-year investment totaling 2.85 billion New Taiwan Dollars (NTD), or approximately US$92 million. This funding comprises 1.425 billion NTD (approximately US$46 million) in private sector contributions, matched equally by government investment.
SPE currently offers eight degree programs: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Political Economy; Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Finance; and Professional Master’s and Professional Doctoral programs in Leadership and Management. A phased expansion is planned, with the MA programs launching in 2025, followed by the BA programs and the PhD programs in 2027.
II. Vision and Mission
SPE aspires to act as a leading institution for praxis-oriented research in political science & economics, finance, and leadership & management, cultivating future leaders distinguished by their global perspectives, interdisciplinary expertise, and intercultural competence. The School promotes sustainable development through robust collaborations among academia, industry, and government.
By integrating rigorous academic research, practical experience, and policy engagement, SPE empowers students to become globally engaged leaders capable of addressing complex challenges. SPE’s commitment extends beyond traditional academic boundaries as the interdisciplinary curriculum prioritizes holistic leadership competencies derived from humanistic scholarship, technological innovation, and economic sustainability – these objectives to be advanced through collaborative partnerships with governmental, corporate, and non-profit entities.
Our ultimate objective is to train responsible global citizens who contribute meaningfully to positive social impact through research, leadership, and public engagement. These cross-disciplinary trainings will well equip our students and teachers to be viable in today’s changing society.
III. Educational Features
A. Theoria, Poiesis, and Praxis
SPE’s pedagogical approach features theoria (critical thinking), poiesis (creative application), and praxis (practical action). This tripartite framework is implemented through case studies, simulations, and fieldwork, to enable students to translate theoretical knowledge into practical skills and to foster problem-solving abilities applicable to complex real-world scenarios.
B. Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Education
SPE’s English-language curriculum caters to both domestic and international students. It incorporates contemporary developments in international politics, economics, and finance to foster critical thinking skills relevant to global contexts. Students benefit from opportunities to develop intercultural competence through exchange programs, international internships, and transnational research projects.
The interdisciplinary education allows our students to optimize resource utilization and enables them to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and interdependencies within these fields.
C. Global Engagement and Mobility
SPE actively cultivates strategic partnerships with leading international universities and research institutions to enhance its global standing and impact. These collaborations provide access to world-class resources and methodologies, where to foster robust student and faculty exchange programs. The SPE’s commitment to openness and collaboration is integral to its pursuit of academic excellence and global recognition.
Established partnerships include the collaborative research program with UC Berkeley’s Robbins Collection Research Center and the student exchange program with the Law School at UC Berkeley, the Inbound Dual Degree Program with the University of Melbourne, and student mobility and joint degree programs with Kyushu University and Waseda University in Japan and Sciences Po Paris and Sciences Po Grenoble UGA in France.
SPE further leverages technology to enhance global engagement by offering generous scholarships to students, hosting prominent academic events for the public, and inviting distinguished scholars—including Nobel laureates, globally recognized leaders, and corporate magnates—to serve as visiting professors and speakers. Remote learning technologies also facilitate the full participation of international students in SPE’s academic programs.