To foster leaders with a worldwide perspective on political science and economics, well-versed in the evolution of geopolitics.
Master’s Program in Finance
Features & Objectives
The core feature of the Master’ Program in Finance lies in its required interdisciplinary courses, which encompass the three major fields of political science, economics, and finance. These courses aim to comprehensively enhance students’ interdisciplinary competencies. Regarding elective courses, the program design focuses on deepening students’ expertise in their specialized fields while strongly promoting cross-disciplinary electives, encouraging students to explore knowledge from other related disciplines. This approach not only strengthens students’ professional backgrounds but also facilitates the development of interdisciplinary thinking through the integration of diverse academic fields.
The program aims to cultivate finance professionals with management and leadership skills who are capable of effectively competing in the international job market.
International and Leadership Skills: emphasizing strong theoretical foundations and leadership with a focus on the global financial market.
Flexible Electives: offering diverse courses for personalized learning paths based on career aspirations.
Interdisciplinary Competitiveness: enhancing employability through exposure to political economy, FinTech, and big data.
Degree Requirements
Students must complete 18 credits of required courses and 15 credits of electives, as well as a master’s thesis.
33 credits including
Required Courses
Course Requirements
Required Courses
– Financial Econometrics
– Investment Management
– Financial Management
– Internship or overseas exchange program
In addition to traditional finance courses (e.g., corporate finance, investments, fixed income securities, derivatives), the program incorporates financial theory and econometrics to strengthen students’ understanding of fundamental finance theories and econometric methods.
Elect any two courses from the core or interdisciplinary courses of the Master’s Program in Political Economy, excluding quantitative courses, finance-related courses, and international finance.
– Derivatives
– International Finance
– Cases in Financial Management
– The Application of Financial Modeling
– Behavioral Finance
Students must complete a minimum of 6 credits of elective courses offered by MA in Finance Program.
Students may take cross-listed courses offered by the School or relevant courses from other departments at NTU and dual-degree programs.