Program Overview
There are totally 8 degree programs in the School.
Program Overview
Curricular Structure
SPE presents a trifecta of key programs: Political Economy, Finance, and Leadership and Management. The Political Economy and Finance programs encompass a broad spectrum of academic pursuits, offering degrees from bachelor’s to master’s and doctoral levels. The Leadership and Management program, tailored for experienced professionals, provides master’s and doctoral degrees aimed at upgrading their expertise.
All programs are conducted exclusively in English, catering to both domestic and international students.This curriculum fosters a dynamic multicultural community and offers abundant networkings for both faculty and students.
Pedagogical Features
SPE’s pedagogical approach features theoria (critical thinking), poiesis (creative application), and praxis (practical action). This tripartite framework is implemented through case studies, simulations, and fieldwork to adopt an interdisciplinary pedagogical model to seamlessly integrate theory with practice to enable our students to learn through real-world applications. This distinctive curriculum features connections with government agencies, think tanks, and the corporate sector while offering internships and overseas exchanges.
Global Partnerships
Established partnerships include the collaborative research program with UC Berkeley’s Robbins Collection Research Center and the student exchange program with the Law School at UC Berkeley (USA); the Inbound Dual Degree Program with the University of Melbourne (Australia); student mobility and joint degree programs with Kyushu University (Japan); faculty exchange with Waseda University (Japan); the student exchange program with Sciences Po Grenoble (France); MoU and other initiatives with Sciences Po Paris (France) and MoU with University of St. Andrews (Scotland). SPE further leverages technology to enhance global engagement through generous scholarships to students, prominent academic events to the public.
Faculty Resources
The School actively recruits world-class faculty, influential leaders from various sectors, corporate magnates, and global policymakers to teach and lecture at SPE. We also invite distinguished scholars, including Nobel laureates and renowned global figures, to join us as visiting professors and speakers.
Financial Support
SPE offers generous scholarships funded by corporate sponsors and the National Development Fund. Students benefit from support for international exchanges and internships at premier global institutions. Domestic and international students receive different fundings based on their scholastic credentials.
Future Vision
SPE aspires to act as a leading institution for praxis-oriented research in political science & economics, finance, and leadership & management. It aims to cultivate future leaders distinguished by their global perspectives, interdisciplinary expertise, and intercultural competence. SPE’s commitment extends beyond traditional academic boundaries as the interdisciplinary curriculum prioritizes holistic leadership competencies derived from humanistic scholarship, technological innovation, and economic sustainability We envision to train responsible global citizens who contribute meaningfully to positive social impact through research, leadership, and public engagement.